Long Chen

CTO of Zhongke Jiahe

D. degree from the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include compilation technology, parallel computing and heterogeneous computing. Dr Chen has been engaged in the R&D of programming and compilation technologies for domestic chips for many years. He was the architect of Huawei's compiler and programming language lab, and led the development of many compiler products for domestic chips. He has led the development of many compiler products for localised chips. His technologies cover a wide range of fields, including high-performance servers, wireless communications, and AI acceleration chips, and have been widely used in the market. Based on years of experience in chip infrastructure software construction, in 2023, he co-founded CKGH Technology Co., Ltd, which is dedicated to solving the difficulties faced by domestic AI arithmetic power landing application. Through full-system optimisation, compilation technology and tool support, CKGH provides large model inference and fine-tuning system tools to help accelerate the landing of domestic AI arithmetic.


Cutlass cross-platform compilation optimisation practice sharing