Jian Zhao
Director, Multimedia Cognitive Learning Laboratory, AI Research Institute, China Telecom
Jian Zhao, Director of Multimedia Cognitive Learning Laboratory (EVOL) and Senior Research Scientist, China Telecom Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (TeleAI), Researcher and PhD Supervisor, Institute of Photonics and Intelligence, Northwestern Polytechnical University, PhD Corporate Supervisor, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Department of Computing, Fudan University/Zhejiang University/University of Science and Technology of China, Ph.D. Graduated from the National University of Singapore, Research Areas: AI governance, pro-land security. He has published more than 60 CCF-A papers, including one work T-PAMI×2 (IF: 20.8), IJCV×3 (IF: 11.6), and 5 national invention patents authorized by the first inventor. The related technical achievements have been applied in 7 leading enterprises in the science and technology industry, such as China Telecom, Baidu, Ant Financial Services, Qihoo 360, etc., and have produced significant benefits. He has been selected for the “Young Talent Support Project” of the China Association for Science and Technology and the Beijing Municipal Association for Science and Technology, and has presided over 7 projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He was awarded the Wu Wenjun Outstanding Youth Award in Artificial Intelligence (2023), the First Prize of Wu Wenjun Natural Science Award in Artificial Intelligence (2/5, 2022), the Lee Hwee Kuan Prize of the Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence Association (PREMIA) of Singapore (2019), the ACM Multimedia Unique Best Student Paper Award (I, 1/208, CCF-A Conference, 2018), and 8 times the best student paper in international important conferences. 2018), and 8 wins in major international scientific and technical events. He serves as a director of the Beijing Society of Image Graphics, an editorial board member of the internationally recognized journals Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligence Advances, and IET Computer Vision, and a guest speaker for special issues of Pattern Recognition Letters, and Electronics, Senior Area Chair of VALSE, Chair of ACM Multimedia 2021, Area Chair of CICAI 2022/2023, Chair of CCBR 2024, Senior Member of Chinese Computer Society/Chinese Society of Artificial Intelligence/Chinese Society of Image Graphics, Science and Technology Talent Award of China Association for Science and Technology, Science and Technology Award of Chinese Society of Electronics, Science and Technology Award of China Telecommunication Association, Science and Technology Award of China Telecommunication Association, Science and Technology Award of China Telecommunication Association. He is a senior member of China Computer Science Association, China Artificial Intelligence Society and China Graphics Society, and an expert of China Association for Science and Technology Talent Award, China Electronics Society Science and Technology Award, China Telecom Group Science and Technology Award, China Artificial Intelligence Competition, and Challenge Cup Science and Technology Competition for College Students.