Jinhui Yuan
Founder of OneFlow
Vice Chairman of Zhongguancun Digital Intelligence Industry Alliance, Architect of Tianshu Open Source AI Platform in Zhijiang Laboratory. In 2013, he joined Microsoft Research Asia to engage in large-scale machine learning platform research and development. In 2014, he invented LightLDA, the world's fastest theme model training algorithm system at the time, and was called "the best achievement of the year" by Zhou Yizhen, global vice president of Microsoft Research. In 2015, he focused on building a deep learning platform based on heterogeneous clusters and won the Special Award from the Dean of Microsoft Research Asia. Dr. Yuan has published many papers at top conferences in the field of computer vision and multimedia, and has won the first place in the video retrieval evaluation competition of the National Bureau of Technology and Standards for many years. Doctor of Engineering from Tsinghua University.